Swimming Techniques That Everyone Needs To Know!

There are a variety of different swimming pool tricks ranging from beginner all the way to advance techniques. For beginners, however, one of the most important rules would be to get help from a swimming buddy. You never want to practice swimming alone and you always want to exercise caution no matter how advanced you are. Remember to make sure before you go in, you apply sun screen (especially during the summer time.)

The easiest trick to lean would be the Starfish Float. It is a basic swimming technique that allows you to float on your back with your arms and legs spread apart which additionally stabilizes your body while floating. Theoretically, once you have mastered this technique you could float forever in this position.

To start learning this swimming technique, you must first be in a calm environment otherwise waves will splash in your face and disturb your breathing. Begin by standing in the shallow area of the pool so that the water is only at waist level. Crouch down so that the water gets at shoulder level, lean back in water to get into a sitting position. You will want to push yourself off from the ground with your feet but with enough momentum so that your legs move upward to the water surface. Lean on your back and straighten your body so that it forms a line from your head to your toes with arms spread apart. You’ll want to have your body aligned so that your head, back and hips are aligned.

One of the more advanced swimming techniques you will probably learn is the freestyle stroke, also known as the “front crawl”. It is the fastest and most efficient of the competitive swimming strokes however it is also one of the most difficult to master for several reasons. Your face is submerged for the most part of the stroke cycle and you must roll on your side to breathe. Your arms and legs execute alternating movements at the same time. It is one of the hardest swimming techniques to learn but is also used the most, especially for competitions.

As a novice swimmer it may be best to learn from a certified instructor, or someone who has taken and completed classes. The classes are usually inexpensive but it really all depend on location, instructor, and whether or not it is a private lesson. Swimming equipment and accessories will also greatly aid a beginning swimmer.

Dog Days Pool Service is a pool service company serving Clearwater, Safety Harbor, and all surrounding areas. We offer a wide range of pool services and pool repairs. Our team would love to hear from you! (727) 791-6012.


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